
The Fair Trade Towns Conference in Madrid coming soon

2018-10-17  2018-10-21

In two days Madrid will see almost 300 participants: Fair Trade campaigners, volunteers, activists, academics and local authorities representatives coming from all around the world to celebrate the annual festival of Fair Trade Towns - The 12th International FTT Conference, 19the - 21st October.

The event, organized by IDEAS - Spanish Fair Trade Organization and City Hall of Madrid, supported by International Fair Trade Towns will take place in Cineteca Matadero (19th. 17:30 - the opening) and Centro Cultural Lope de Vega. Centro Cultural Lope de Vega both incredible cultural center of the town.

The guests will take an opportunity to participate in a great variety of events included in the agenda. Except plenary session speeches, presentations, and debates a set of sixteen workshops will be available for them from Saturday’s afternoon up to Sunday’s midday.

The conference offers also a space for networking the and sharing Fair Trade practices on the open space poster session. 

Prior to the event the meeting of the coountry coordinators of FTT Campaigns from will take place .See the conference website.

About the Fair Trade Towns Campaign

The International Fair Trade Towns Campaign (FTTC) began in 2000 in the small English Town of Garstang, when as a result of the local Oxfam campaign led by Bruce Crowther (presently involved in the FIG Tree) the community declared themselves the World’s first ‘Fairtrade Town’. In conjunction with the UK Fairtrade Foundation, the core founding goals were developed that would enable other towns, cities, villages etc to join the campaign.

After 18 years since the declaration of Garstang with 2072 Fair Trade Towns (FTT) in 34 countries stretching across six continents, the movement continues to be the world’s largest ongoing campaign promoting Fair Trade and trade justice. Fair Trade Cities include London, Paris, Rome, Brussels, Bonn, Madrid, Copenhagen, Oslo, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Toronto, and Vancouver. At the beginning of 2018 Arroyos y Esteros, Paraguay and Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan become first FTT in their countries, recently we saw Seoul, Korea the largest FTT in the world.

The greatest strength of FTTs is that it is a ‘bottom-up’ grassroots movement and the five goals require that all aspects of the community should be involved in order to gain status. Fair Trade Towns campaign, remains than an effective and adequate tool to bring local communities and local authorities together to support and promote the values of Fair Trade and responsible consumption. That makes the campaign one of the useful tools for filling Sustainable Development Goals on the local level.

The annual FTT conferences become an opportunity for both presentation and learning from best practices of campaigners from all around the world.

The International Fair Trade Toens Steering Committe